JEE Counselling - Freeze , Float , Slide

What are the meaning of the terms 'Freeze', 'Float' and 'Slide' ?
Ans.These three options allow a candidate to either retain the seat allocated or to opt for a change in seat as per candidate's preference in any of the institutes or in the same institute in which the seat is allocated.
(1) Freezing: Candidates  accept  the  offered  seat  and  indicate  that  they are  content  with  the  allocated  academic  program  and  that  they  do  not want  to  participate  in  further  rounds  of  seat  allocation.  Such  candidates will NOT be considered in subsequent rounds of admission.
(2) Floating: Candidates  accept  the  offered  seat  and  indicate  that,  if admission  to  an  academic  program  of  better/higher  preference  in  any Institute  is  offered,  they  will  accept  it.  Else,  they  will  continue  with  the currently accepted academic program. Such candidates will be considered in subsequent rounds of admission.
(3) Sliding:  Candidates  accept  the  offered  seat  and  indicate  that,  if admission  to  an  academic  program  of  better  /  higher  preference  is offeredwithin the same Institute, they will accept it. Such candidates will be considered in subsequent rounds of admission.
  • Let us consider an example. Say a candidate Mr. Krishna opts for the following options while filling-in the choices online,
Option no.InstituteProgramDegree/Years
1IITBAerospace EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
2IITBCivil EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
3IITKMechanical EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
4IITHComputer Science EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
5IITBChemical EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
6IITHElectrical EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
7IIT(BHU)Computer Science EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
8IITKChemical EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
9IITDChemical EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
10IITDProduction and Industrial EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
11IITRElectronics and Communication EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years
12IITDEngineering PhysicsB.Tech, 4 years
13IITMChemical EngineeringB.Tech, 4 years

Now, let us assume that in round 1 of seat allocation, Mr. Krishna is allotted IITD Engineering Physics i.e., option #12. Now he has to opt for any ONE out of the THREE available options (i.e. Freezing, Floating and Sliding) to finalize his seat acceptance in round 1. 
  • Suppose he chooses the FREEZING option: this means that Mr. Krishna is satisfied with the allocated seat (i.e. option #12 IITD Engineering Physics in this case). It is final and Mr. Krishna accepts and gets the seat and CANNOTparticipate in further rounds of seat allocation programme. Finally Mr. Krishna's final allottment of seat is IITD Engineering Physics.
  • Suppose he chooses the FLOATING option: this means that Mr. Krishna accepts the IITD Engineering Physics (allotted option #12) seat but wants to wait for a seat in the higher preference (i.e., options #1 to #11) program in the subsequent rounds. He will be considered in subsequent rounds of seat allocation. In the 2nd (or 3rd) round, if he DOES NOT get any of the options #1 to #11, he still retains the IITD Engineering Physics seat. However, if he gets a seat of higher preference, say, option #5, IITB Chemical Engineering, he will be allocated the IITB Chemical Engineering seat and he loses the IITD Engineering Physics seat.
  • Suppose he chooses the SLIDING option: this means that Mr. Krishna accepts the IITD Engineering Physics (allotted option #12) seat but wants to wait for a seat within the same Institute (IITD in this case) for a seat in a program of higher preference (options #9 and #10). He will be considered in subsequent rounds of seat allocation. In the 2nd (or 3rd) round, if he DOES NOT get either of these two options (viz., #9 or #10), he still retains the IITD Engineering Physics seat. However, if he gets a seat in one these two options, say, IITD  Chemical Engineering, he will be allocated the IITD Chemcal Engineering seat and he will lose his IITD Engineering Physics seat.
  • NOTE: Whether Krishna chooses FREEZE, FLOAT or SLIDE option, he is assured of AT THE LEAST the IITD Engineering Physics seat.

NOTE : I have taken this from 


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